Season | Date | Round | Venue |
2019 U12 Div 2 | 3rd August 10:00am | League Round 14 | MB Beatty Tce |
Today’s match between Hahndorf Black and Murray Bridge Blue was played in Murray Bridge at Beatty Tce. Both teams ran hard all game, with Hahndorf coming away with the win.
All Hahndorf players contributed to the victory. A strong team effort from everyone, and a pleasure to watch. Handorf’s coach switched things up a lot in the second half, giving players a run in some unfamiliar positions.
Best players today for Hahndorf, withh coaches comments:
3 Orland - Four goals, played in every section of the pitch (including goalie) and set up some lovely plays. Had good humour about letting a sneaky goal past as keeper!
2 Gracie - Played a solid first half as right wing, setting up three or four plays with through balls and crosses from out wide. Played two touch give and go soccer very well.
1 Esther - Came all the way to Murray Bridge to watch even though injured!